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July 14, 2012

We’ve found a way to make some mines easier to navigate, and we hope it will be useful to you. The extension is available here, and you can also see this on the
task page.

Here are some new test maps:

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  1. There was a 4th map given as a test map, is there a reason it was redacted? It seems like a valid map.

    • It was uploaded by mistake – it was identical to the second map.

  2. Robert permalink

    What’s the behavior of rocks wrt. trampolines and targets? are trampos/targets similar to empty space or walls ?

    • sam permalink

      Trampolines and targets support rocks, just like walls do.

  3. manu-factor permalink

    What happens if the robot goes on the destination of a trampoline? Seems that it is not possible to tell using the validator.

    • sam permalink

      A target behaves like a wall in that the robot cannot walk over it. You could have worked this out by using with the validator.

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